18 Jan The training platform dedicated the UNIT 6 webinars is available!
A training platform dedicated to the Fanbest training program (Unit 6-Introduction to Blue Economy) is now available....
A training platform dedicated to the Fanbest training program (Unit 6-Introduction to Blue Economy) is now available....
The grants, offered by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Programme to SMEs in this blue economy window call for proposals shall help advance market-readiness of new products, services or processes. Activities could, for example, include trials, prototyping, validation, demonstration and testing in real environment...
The CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations) has published a document with its strategic initiatives for Next Generation EU, and one of them is fully dedicated to the blue economy. Its objective is to advance towards the maximum sustainable and intelligent use of our seas...
The video aims to introduce FANBEST (Funding Atlantic Network for Blue Economy Technology Transfer), an Interreg Program funded through the European Regional Development Found....
The UNIT 6 of the training programme consists of a series of 6 webinars, each covering one of the following Blue Economy sectors : marine renewable energies, marine biological resources, oil & gas, maritime transport, marine/coastal tourism and emerging sectors (e.g blue biotechnologies)....
Online training programme to stimulate blue economy entrepreneurship launched....
Blue Economy Hackathon: the promotion of innovation through collaboration to encourage and advance problems facing blue growth....
Consult the programme of webinars...
Online training programme to stimulate blue economy entrepreneurship launched....
Online training programme to stimulate blue economy entrepreneurship launched....
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