Training Programme| REGISTRATION RE-OPENED for Access to market, product development & scaling up in the Blue Economy webinars”


Within the INTERREG Atlantic Area Project FANBEST (Funding Atlantic Network for Blue Economy Technology Transfer) an online transnational training programme composed by a series of webinars to enhance the capacity of advisers, support services, researchers and entrepreneurs in fundraising for technology transfer in the Blue Economy. The online training programme aimed at improving knowledge on financial support and good practices applicable to start-ups (including spin-offs) and larger-scale enterprises in the blue economy.



The Webinars are FREE OF CHARGE with a duration per webinar between 60 to 120 minutes maximum including a question/ answer session and practical exercises with the attendees. The webinars will make use of the Zoom platform and interactive tools to promote interact of attendees with supervisors. Training and material will be provided in English.



Training Programme Brochure (PDF)

Training Programme Calendar (PDF)



What: 8 Webinars (duration 60-120 minutes per webinar)

When: November 2020 to January 2021 (see below the overview of the webinar programme)

Who: The Training Programme has the following target group

      • Main target: consultants/trainers of incubators and accelerators, development agencies, knowledge transfer department of universities, etc
      • Secondary objective: any entrepreneur, researcher and manager with an interest in the Blue Economy


For further information on the Training Programme please contact: (BlueBio Alliance); (University of Exeter)




Overview of the FANBEST Training Programme on Access to market, Product development & Scaling up for Blue Economy in the Atlantic Area.


# Webinar Content When
1 Market Segmentation / User Needs Who are your most important customers?

Who influences? Who decides? Who uses?

Which are the main characteristics of your clients?

Can you group them as distinct segments?

Needs Before Wants in User Experiences

Time Nov 11 2020; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
2 Market Pull & Push Strategies / Demand Forecasting How to find Early Adopters The Difference Between Push and Pull Marketing Strategies

Push Marketing Basics and Examples

Pull Marketing Basics and Examples

Estimate Market Size (Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches)

Total Available Market

Serviceable Available Market

Serviceable Obtainable Market

Time Nov 18 2020; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
3 Pain Point Analysis Risk Diagnostic

Investment Readiness Level

Time Nov 25 2020; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
4 Competitive Landscape Analysis What is the problem that we are resolving?

Is it an important problem?

What is the solution that we are proposing?

What is the value we provide to the customer?

What are the main attributes of our value


Time Dec 02 2020; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
5 Strategic Management / Lean Approach Context Analysis

Mission Statement, Vision and Values

Strategy map

Project Model Canvas

Lean Startup Approach and Customer


Time Dec 16 2020; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
6 Product development How to design and develop a newly or rebranded

product or service

Phases of new product development

Importance of prototyping

Open Innovation and working with external


Time Jan 12, 2021; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
7 HR management / Pivoting and diversifying How to choose a team

Team management

Human resources contracts

How to Diversify & pivot your business?

Diversification strategies

Time Jan 19, 2021; 02:00 PM Lisbon time
8 Growth strategies / International market penetration Fundraising Strategies

How to develop roundtables with Investors

Build an Effective international Market Penetration Strategy

Case studies of internationalization to American and European markets

Time Jan 26, 2021, 02:00 PM Lisbon time