The first FanBest event come together the academic community, industry and investors for the growth of the Blue Economy

The first event of FANBEST project celebrated in Santiago de Compostela come together academy, industry and investors to bring innovation and sustainable ideas impacting the Blue Economy growth in the Atlantic Area.
Davide Rodeiro, associated professor and researcher from the University of Santiago de Compostela, the Lead Partner Coordinator, welcome participants and speakers and made a presentation of FANBEST project.
The event counted with the participation of Roxana Topciov, consultant on European Funds of Inda Iniciativas, who spoke about communicating Interreg and European Funds.
María Paz, researcher of University of Santiago de Compostela Pharmacology, Parmacy and Parmaceutical Technology Department shared her experience on execution Atlantic Area projects. 
Attendees could hear some case studies. Alba Pombo spoke about opportunities to spin-offs, Susana Fernández explained about Unirisco Funding opportunities to Blue Growth on Horizon 2020 framework and Yolanda Molares exposed the project Blue Growth-Vigo, about blue economy and mix financing.