Online training programme for technicians and advisors at technology valorisation and transfer units aim to improve knowledge on financing support of scaling up of spin offs and start-ups in blue economy and to get them informed about new tools for fund raising outside banks system. It includes the development of on line simulations tools to evaluate a financial viability of the projects and other new tools. It will involve experts from the partners and they work together to develop the contents.
The stock market is a digital catalogue with updates of technology and innovations with big potential for industrial use of marine and maritime resources.
The project will organize some webinars to enhance the knowledge across key stakeholders on the opportunities offered by the blue sector and facilitate “virtual” platform for innovative projects promoters and investors or mentors, as well as for companies to exchange best practices and develop commercial links.
The FANBEST network will coach and monitor the implementation of the selected projects to SMEs of Blue biotechnology/marine resources that make possible the start and scale-up phase of the beneficiaries. The partners will play the role of coach and monitoring of the whole process as well as to check the success of the Financial Instruments Set and the funded innovation projects during the whole first year.
Under the leadership of University of Exeter a map/directory of stakeholders and existing agents will be made, with information about actors that can play a role for bringing investments for innovation at the Atlantic regions. All partners will collaborate to bring information. As part of this map the existing financial instruments including those financed by EU (ESIF, Life, etc). , platforms and services available for beneficiaries in the Atlantic regions will be analysed.
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