All tasks related to the management and coordination of the partnership
The objectives of the COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION STRATEGY of the project are giving information and raise awareness among the target groups concerning the objectives of the Project.
The CAPITALIZATION STRATEGY is mainly focused in spreading the results and successful experiences implemented within the project to others entities and targets. The results of the actions and projects will be shared and disseminated to reach other territories and the solutions to make easier access to funds for entrepreneurs and start-ups.
Exploitation plan for financial instruments set
Presentation of portfolio of funds and financial intruments to other strategic partners
Transnational Seminar for Development of Innovative Partnerships in the Blue Sector
Network of Helpdesks for technology transfer to market
Clustering activities with SAFER Project
Identification of the financial needs to propel innovation in Blue Economy in Atlantic Regions.
Mapping of stakeholders and existing agents
Analysis of the potential of Atlantic R+D+i for blue growth
Roundtables for Women innovating in the Blue Sector
Ideation/hackathon to propel new solutions for Blue Growth
Development of tools to foster B2B and R+D links. This WP is aimed to develop those actions and tools necessary to bring an effective support to the innovation projects in Blue Economy. Some of them will be coached in the next phase by means of WP6 to demonstrate their viability.
Campaigns to disseminate and recruit agents and beneficiaries
Transnational Programme for improving capacities of advisors and support services about fund raising for technology transfer
Platform of STOCK MARKET of technology and innovations in marine resources
Design of a Set of Financial Instruments aimed to fund innovation projects in blue biotechnology and marine resources
Virtual missions in Blue growth sectors
Coaching of investment projects by the network: This WP is aimed supporting several innovation projects in Blue Economy as demonstration of the technical and economic viability.
Preparatory action: selection of participants and projects
Coach and monitoring of the selected projects
Environmental and socioeconomic impact evaluation
Manual for financing innovation in start- ups and new companies in Atlantic regions
Mobilising funds and services for a competitive blue economy in the Atlantic regions By means of this new work package the partners involved, with the collaboration of the other members of the consortium, will implement several actions aimed at extending support services to start-ups and SMEs in blue economy sectors in the Atlantic regions in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Blue entrepreneurs at a global scale.
Reverse due diligence analysis of Blue Economy private equity funds
Fundraising campaign expert mentoring services for Blue Economy SMEs
Internationalization of Blue Economy SMEs
Helping businesses to move to the next TRL in their projects.
Contributions to the policies and strategies in the Atlantic Area: This WPs has been added to the FAN-BEST Work Plan extension with the objective to contribute actively representing the interests of the sector (specially SMEs) in the design of policies and funding instruments in the regions and especially the Smart Specialisation Strategies for 2021-2027.
Study on the Atlantic Area RIS3 2021-2027 and conclusions and recommendations based on the FAN-BEST experience
Workshops and peer learning meetings
Policy recommendations on the Blue Economy dimension of RIS3 2021-2027 in the Atlantic Area
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