A few months ago, we announced the Blue Internationalisation Programme (BIP) aimed at supporting businesses from the Blue Economy located in the European Atlantic Area to grow globally with export support worth up to 10,000 EUR.
This activity is managed by Partner 2, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, and the Programme was officially launched in September 2022. Five companies located in Portugal, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom have been selected and will receive support including:
Support in Shaping their International Trade Strategy
Growth Workshops
Access to international trade training
Market Research and Access to Market Opportunities
Market Visit
Please see below our beneficiaries:
Limerick Wave Ltd is a wave energy research company which focuses on the development of Power Take Off (PTO) systems.
seaExpert is a private fisheries consultancy company headquartered in Faial island, Azores, with a commercial division based on marine macroalgae harvest and supply targeted to several industries, mainly cosmetic and biotechnology-related.
Innovative marine geophysical site investigation with electromagnetics.
Novel renewable energy creation, storage and energy management for the marine sector, reducing the use of fossil fuels.
Algikey is a trader of algae biomass and other products pooling producers in order to meet the market demands.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to the team, please email Pauline.Puig@gmchamber.co.uk
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